All fiction is woven from the same threads: character, setting, dialogue, plot, theme, pace. Genre fiction adds additional elements—crime stories lean heavily on plot, speculative fiction on setting. These are in addition to the elements of good writing, not substitutes for them. This workshop will focus on participants' in-progress novels and short stories. We'll supplement the workshop format with one-on-one meetings with the instructor, and with in-class discussions of structure, point of view, and other elements of the well-built narrative. Writers in any or no genre, and at any level, are welcome.
S.J. Rozan is the author of eighteen novels and more than 75 short stories, and the editor of three anthologies. She has won multiple awards for both novel and short story, including the Edgar, Shamus, Anthony, Nero, Macavity; Japanese Maltese Falcon; and the Private Eye Writers of America Life Achievement Award. She teaches and lectures widely and has been a Master Artist at The Atlantic Center for the Arts and Writer-in-Residence at Singapore Management University. Her most recent novel is The Mayors of New York.